native plants

How I Established My Native Wildflower Garden

Despite a bumper crop of raspberries and tomatoes starting to produce, it’s not all unicorns and butterflies over here on the homestead. Weekday harvests in the food forest have been interrupted by the background noise of earthmoving machines.  You may recall that to make way for a new development, a substantial wildlife corridor was taken down […]

How I Established My Native Wildflower Garden Read More »

Q&A with Kareen – How do I prevent bitter cucumbers?

There’s nothing more disappointing then putting your time and energy into growing veggies that don’t taste great. After a season of watering, weeding and fertilizing, you bite into that luscious cucumber and you immediately spit it out because it tastes so bitter.  In my video today, I address Rachel’s question about how to prevent bitter

Q&A with Kareen – How do I prevent bitter cucumbers? Read More »

Q&A with Kareen – What native plants grow in a cold climate?

Since planting season is underway, this week’s Q&A with Kareen is especially timely and all about native plants. Sam asks what native plants grow in a cold climate and I share some of the shrubs and wildflowers that I have growing in my front yard.  Sam’s question is especially relevant since in April of 2023,

Q&A with Kareen – What native plants grow in a cold climate? Read More »