Food Forest Tips

My Pear Tree Guild

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know how much I love food forest systems. While growing tomatoes, peas, squash and other annual edibles is rewarding (and delicious!), there is a different feeling that you get from designing and planting a perennial ecosystem of plants.  When I plant things in my food forest, I’ve […]

My Pear Tree Guild Read More »

Top 4 Most Effective Groundcovers in a Food Forest

Harvest season is now in full swing on the homestead and I am so grateful. The other day, I dug up all my garlic, harvested fava beans, and am enjoying broccoli, zucchinis, basil and cucumbers from the garden. Meanwhile, the tomatoes are starting to ripen, the winter squash plants are sprawling, and the peppers are loving these hot

Top 4 Most Effective Groundcovers in a Food Forest Read More »

Two Common Mistakes in Planting Food Forests and How to Prevent Them

As I like to teach to my students and clients, we are always striving to create the most resilient site possible. One that will respond to adverse conditions, which, in our case, can be anything from late frosts, to hail, to hot and dry summers. This question of resilience always brings me back to the

Two Common Mistakes in Planting Food Forests and How to Prevent Them Read More »

5 Great Berries to Grow in Cold Climates

There is nothing quite like homegrown fruit. For me, the practice of wandering through my garden plucking tomatoes off the vine is an exercise in gratitude. Being able to add plums or raspberries to my daily harvest adds another dimension to my experience as a gardener. While it’s true that our cold climate doesn’t allow

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