What to Grow in your Cold Climate Garden

My Pear Tree Guild

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know how much I love food forest systems. While growing tomatoes, peas, squash and other annual edibles is rewarding (and delicious!), there is a different feeling that you get from designing and planting a perennial ecosystem of plants.  When I plant things in my food forest, I’ve […]

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How I Established My Native Wildflower Garden

Despite a bumper crop of raspberries and tomatoes starting to produce, it’s not all unicorns and butterflies over here on the homestead. Weekday harvests in the food forest have been interrupted by the background noise of earthmoving machines.  You may recall that to make way for a new development, a substantial wildlife corridor was taken down

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Q&A with Kareen – What native plants grow in a cold climate?

Since planting season is underway, this week’s Q&A with Kareen is especially timely and all about native plants. Sam asks what native plants grow in a cold climate and I share some of the shrubs and wildflowers that I have growing in my front yard.  Sam’s question is especially relevant since in April of 2023,

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Q&A with Kareen – Cold climate pear varieties, pear preservation and what to do about codling moths

This week’s ‘Q&A with Kareen’ is all about pears. In the video, I answer Elizabeth’s questions about what pears I grow, an explanation about the kitchen tool I use the most for pear preservation, and what to do about codling moths.  The pears in my food forest are one of the yields that I look

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Q&A with Kareen – Top 10 Crops to Feed a Family

In this week’s ‘Q&A with Kareen’, I address Julie’s question about my top 10 favorite crops to grow to feed a family. In particular, Julie was interested in crops that were either high in calories and/or macro and micronutrients, as well as easy to grow, prepare, store, and preserve.  You’ll notice that I don’t mention some of

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Raising Chickens in Cold Climates

Chickens are one of the easier and more useful animals to have in your backyard gardens. In permaculture, they are often the example of ‘each element performing multiple functions.’ In other words, having chickens as part of your backyard ecosystem accomplishes several functions at once. Not only can they provide you with eggs and meat

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What we’re still eating from last year’s garden

In our gardens, we always want to follow the permaculture principle of “obtaining a yield”, whether that be a yield in food, medicine, pollinator habitat or fertility. Then, especially in a cold climate, we work to extend that yield in time so that we can be eating from our gardens 365 days/year. We can do

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