food forest gardening

5 Steps to Designing your Cold Climate Food Forest

While the food forest concept has taken off in this country, it’s sometimes hard to understand how to go from a boring lawn to a thriving and productive food forest space. Where do you put a food forest? How much do you plant? Where do you put the pathways? How do you choose the species? […]

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My Pear Tree Guild

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know how much I love food forest systems. While growing tomatoes, peas, squash and other annual edibles is rewarding (and delicious!), there is a different feeling that you get from designing and planting a perennial ecosystem of plants.  When I plant things in my food forest, I’ve

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How I Create Supplemental Feed for my Chickens

Chickens are one of the easier backyard livestock to have on our homesteads. One issue I’ve always struggled with, however, is buying feed for the chickens. On our homesteads, we’re always trying to close the loop. In other words, working towards importing as little as possible onto our sites over time. With a suburban homestead,

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What I do in January to Prep for the Growing Season

In my video today, I share the tasks that I typically do in January to prep for the growing season ahead. I call it a very slow easing into gardening mode. After the madness of what our growing season can be, I’m reluctant to ramp things up too soon. So here are the tasks I’m typically doing

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