permaculture homestead

Reasons for Hope – Two Books to add to your Winter Reading List!

We are in full-on winter now and I have to admit, this time of year is often challenging for me. Though I appreciate the opportunity to slow down and rest, the cold, snow, shorter days, and dry brittle plants often leave me feeling stagnant and stuck. There is an absolute beauty in all of it, […]

Reasons for Hope – Two Books to add to your Winter Reading List! Read More »

Top 4 Most Effective Groundcovers in a Food Forest

Harvest season is now in full swing on the homestead and I am so grateful. The other day, I dug up all my garlic, harvested fava beans, and am enjoying broccoli, zucchinis, basil and cucumbers from the garden. Meanwhile, the tomatoes are starting to ripen, the winter squash plants are sprawling, and the peppers are loving these hot

Top 4 Most Effective Groundcovers in a Food Forest Read More »

What we’re still eating from last year’s garden

In our gardens, we always want to follow the permaculture principle of “obtaining a yield”, whether that be a yield in food, medicine, pollinator habitat or fertility. Then, especially in a cold climate, we work to extend that yield in time so that we can be eating from our gardens 365 days/year. We can do

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