Outdoor planting season is just around the corner here in Bozeman!
In gardening, timing is everything. If you put seeds in the ground too soon, before the soil warms up adequately, you run the risk of them rotting in the ground. If you put them in too late, they may not mature on time. As gardeners, understanding the planting calendar for your region is really important.
Below, I will give you approximate planting dates for the Gallatin Valley. Remember that even with a planting calendar, there are likely microclimates on your property and within the region so if you are new to gardening this season, use these dates as a guide and adjust accordingly. If your neighbors garden, it’s also good to check with them. Also remember to take good notes at the beginning of the season, these will help you in subsequent years to adjust your timing.
Here’s the planting calendar I usually reference year after year. Sticking to this timing has allowed me to get great yields and mature crops year after year.
April 20 – May1
Direct seed – Spinach, Lettuce, Swiss Chard, Radishes, Carrots, Peas
~ May 15
Direct seed – Sweet corn, Potatoes, Beets
Transplant – Kohlrabi, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Onions
Memorial Day
Direct seed – Cucumbers, Squash, Beans
Transplant – Tomatoes, Melons
First week of June
Transplant – Basil, Peppers
With the warm season crops that are transplanted, I am usually protecting them with either row cover or wall-o-waters even when I put them in at the specified time. Our nighttime temperatures end of May and early June are still quite cool so it’s best to keep them covered!
Good luck!