Ten Tips to Go Zero Waste

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know that I didn’t get into gardening and permaculture just for the delicious and nutritious food, though that’s certainly a big bonus. My passion for growing food and living sustainably comes from a place of deep concern and love for our planet, for the wildness and beauty of our only home, and a belief that we can all contribute in a meaningful way to positive social change.

That’s why I’m excited to share this video with you today. In it, I talk with our very own local ‘zero waste expert’, Julie Fathy, about her ten tips to go zero waste in your home.  Julie has been on a zero waste and sustainability journey for over a decade and I love her approach.

With a garden, compost pile, and little focus on buying ‘stuff’, I would consider that our household does pretty well in terms of generating minimal waste, but Julie takes it to a whole new level. She has inspired me to go that extra step in considering all aspects of my home. 

If you’ve been feeling either overwhelmed or paralyzed by what actions you can specifically take to make a difference, you’ll want to watch this video. The tips that Julie shares are concrete ways in which you can be part of the solution. For every plastic bag that you don’t use, for every piece of junk mail that doesn’t arrive in your mailbox, for every item you can buy in bulk rather than with packaging, you feel lighter, more empowered and hopeful about the future. And then, you find yourself sharing these ideas with one friend, who shares it with another, and so the process of change expands and multiplies. 

As Julie would say, it’s not important that we are perfect at a zero waste life, it’s important that all of us do this imperfectly in some way. So whether you adopt one or all ten of the tips that she shares, I hope this galvanizes you into action. 

So check out the video to learn ten tips to go zero waste in your home. Also check out Julie’s resources below!

Download Julie’s Zero Waste Recipes here
Download Julie’s Zero Waste Kitchen Resource here.
