Enrollment for my Fall 2024 Resilient Homestead Program is NOW OPEN.

Swale System in Action!

Here’s a short video to show you our gutter to swale system in action. Back in May, during our Water in the Landscape Workshop, participants constructed a swale on Broken Ground’s property to collect water both from the gutter and graywater from our washing machine. I’m happy to report that the system is functioning beautifully! On Monday, with our day-long rain event in Bozeman, I donned my muck boots and rain jacket and shot this short video to show you how it’s working.

Swales are ditches that are dug on contour and a great way to slow, spread, sink and store water in your landscape. Check out the video below and let me know what you think!

I hope you’re enjoying fresh and delicious food from your garden! 

Take care, 
