If you read only one book this winter…

One of the things that we like to say in permaculture is, “the problem is the solution.” The problem may be that we have a short growing season in Montana but the solution is that we have more time for reading, reflection and rest. Reflection and rest are things that I could certainly master better but catching up on my reading is something I love to do.

So click on the video below to find out about the book I highly recommend adding to your winter reading list.

Here is a link to Bill Moyers’ interview with Wendell Berry that I refer to in the video.

Finally, what book recommendations do you have for us this season? I would love hear about them in the comments below!

Stay tuned for my next video in a couple weeks. 

Happy reading, 


P.S. Don’t forget about the Permaculture Film Night next Thursday, January 15th at 7pm. We’ll be watching the documentary, Edible City. Please RSVP to info@brokengroundpermaculture.com for location and directions. 
